The Effects of StressOn the Body
A little stress can be good for everyone, but when you are constantly under pressure, the effects can be dangerous. I was reading an article in WebMD, about the causes of stress and the effects it has on your body. Stress is caused by being overwhelmed with responsibilities, the risk of losing a job and/or facing discrimination or harassment at work, losing a loved one, divorce, an increase of financial burdens, illness and/or injury, and emotional problems. The fear or uncertainty of a situation or event may also cause a person stress because he/she is not in control. How you view and respond to situations can determine your level of stress , and can lead to negative long-term effects. When you are faced with a stressful situation that is temporary, your nervous system creates its own defense mechanism called "fight or flight ". The fight-or-flight response is a reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat, which prepares your body ...